Australia, Roadworks, Transport News

Werribee set to become more drivable

Two key road infrastructure projects for Melbourne’s outer west have been announced as part of a $333.5 million commitment

It has been announced that up to $333.5 million will be invested in upgrading the Werribee Main Road – Princes Freeway Interchange Upgrade and the Ballan Road Intersection Upgrade in Melbourne’s outer west.

The Werribee Main Road – Princes Freeway Interchange Upgrade will deliver more traffic lights at key intersections, a roundabout at the Princes Freeway exit ramp to Wests Road, a new lane at Werribee Main Road bridge and an improved citybound entry ramp.

The raft of upgrades to the area is expected to slash about 10 minutes off peak travel times every day for the 10,000 motorists that use the intersection.

The Ballan Road Intersection Upgrade will replace the current roundabout with traffic lights at McGrath, Ballan and Greens roads.

Victoria’s state government has contributed its share to the Ballan Road upgrade as part of the wider $674 million ‘Get Families Home Sooner and Safer Package’.

Major Roads Projects Victoria will deliver the upgrades, which are expected to create 1624 jobs. Timelines will be released once detailed design plans progress.

“Every Victorian wants to spend less time stuck in traffic and more time with family,” Premier Jacinta Allen says. “That’s why we’re delivering major road upgrades across Melbourne’s west and faster and safer journeys for decades to come.”

The projects will build on the benefits of the Ison Road Overpass and Extension, which is expected to be complete in 2026.

This new commitment has taken Australian government’s investment towards transport infrastructure projects in Victoria to $19.5 billion over the next 10 years.

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