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VTA honours Hopley with WFD Chalmers Award

Past president recognised for long and consistent service to association


The Victorian Transport Association (VTA) has honoured its immediate past president and long-serving executive council member with one of the association’s and the transport industry’s highest accolades.

Brendan Hopley was presented with the WFD Chalmers Award at the VTA President’s Dinner in front of over 100 senior representatives of the transport industry, past award winners and other freight and logistics stakeholders. The dinner was sponsored by Volvo Group Australia and CMV Group.

The WFD Chalmers Award was instituted by the VTA in memory of Daryl Chalmers, who was a member of the executive council for more than 40 years. It is presented annually to recognise individuals that have supported and worked with the association over many years, with dedication, loyalty, and commitment to its existence and longevity.

Read Brendan Hopley’s views on driver training, here

VTA president Cameron Dunn said there could be no worthier a recipient, saying that “2018 is the 50th year Brendan has been working in the road transport industry and selflessly serving the VTA and its members.

“Brendan became involved with the VTA during his early days with Blakiston Transport in Geelong when Peter and Hilary Blakiston were the bastions of the transport industry.

“Along with Blakiston Transport, Brendan has worked at some of the most iconic names of the road transport industry including TNT, Linfox and Murphy Transport Solutions.”

Dunn notes Hopley had “served with distinction” as a VTA councillor since the early 1980s and that he had also been an active member of the Victorian branch of the Australian Road Transport Industrial Organisation (ARTIO).

“As a VTA councillor, Brendan has devoted much time and energy to the work of various VTA committees and advancing the interests of our members and the industry, especially on industrial relations where he was integral to resolving several high-profile industrial disputes,” Dunn says.

“Brendan was always a very strong advocate for the law, fairness and industrial moderation, and looking after the safety and security of all his employees and those in the transport industry.”

VTA CEO Peter Anderson also paid tribute to Hopley’s years of dedicated service.

“Brendan has been a massive supporter of the VTA and he deserves the thanks and appreciation of everyone in the industry for his efforts to improve standards and conditions in the transport sector,” Anderson says.


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