Archive, Industry News

Victorian government unveils regional road fund

A new fund for road infrastructure in regional Victoria has been announced, with councils asked to apply


The Victorian government is asking rural and regional councils to apply for road, intersection and bridge upgrades in the wake of the Port of Melbourne lease.

As part of lease-funded $200 million Agriculture Infrastructure and Jobs Fund (AIJF), the new $25 million ‘The Local Roads to Market Program’ aims to improve the regional routes for Victorian farmers, food transporters and agribusinesses.

The government says the fund will specifically target tight intersections, gravel roads and low load bridges, which it describes as “a real barrier to high-productivity trucks and their transport routes.”

To be distributed with the help of the Victorian Farmer’s Federation, the funding will strengthen the competitiveness of Victoria’s agriculture industry, minister for roads and acting minister for agriculture Luke Donnellan says.

“Our priority is ensuring that farmers can get produce from paddock to port safely and more efficiently,” he says.

“The lease of the Port of Melbourne means dedicated funding will go to regional and rural Victoria, helping create jobs and increasing investment in vital infrastructure.

“Stronger bridges, larger turning circles, sealed roads, and wider roundabouts are the practical projects we can undertake to improve agribusiness and improve country roads for all users.”

The lease of the Port of Melbourne was announced this week and promises $9.7 billion in extra funds for the Victorian government.


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