Victoria reduces administrative burden on trucking operators wanting to cancel and re-register A-trailers to take advantage of lower fees
Augut 13, 2012
VicRoads has followed the lead of its northern neighbours by reducing the administrative burden on trucking operators wanting to cancel and re-register their A-trailers to take advantage of the lower fees.
New registration charges that took effect on July 1 significantly reduced the cost of registering the trailers, with a tri-axle unit dropping from $6,525 to $3,300.
Similar to New South Wales and Queensland, VicRoads has waived the need for an identity inspection where an A-trailer is being re-registered in the same name and no other details are changed.
A roadworthy certificate is required under the normal registration process but owners of trailers covered under the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) are not required to produce one. The need to contact the VicRoads NHVAS accreditation office has also been waived.
“We urged VicRoads to follow the lead set in NSW and Queensland to amend the Victorian registration and NHVAS accreditation processes to reduce some of the administrative hassles involved in re-registering A-trailers,” VTA CEO Neil Chambers says.
“Transport operators should call the VicRoads’ heavy vehicle registration line on 1300 724 728 and provide a letter to VicRoads with a list of the A-trailers they are seeking to cancel and re-register.
“Full payment for the new registration period will be necessary, and refunds for the cancelled registration period will be processed by VicRoads usually within six to eight weeks.”
Chambers says re-registering A-trailers to take advantage of the cheaper rate will help operators deal with the new charges, which led to significant increases on some heavy vehicle combinations and an increase of 2.4 cents per litre to the fuel excise.
“If operators can immediately recoup some of the difference between the old registration fee for A-Trailers of $6,525 and the new fee of $3,300, then this will be a cash bonus. Even taking account of the cost of an RWC for A-trailers in some cases, operators may still be in front,” he says.