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VACC offers cautious welcome to new Federal work rules

The VACC has cautiously welcomed the release of the Ten Employment Standards which clarify aspects of the first draft of

The VACC has cautiously welcomed the release of the Ten Employment Standards which clarify aspects of the first draft of the Standards, released by the Federal Government in January 2008.

“There are no real surprises in the release, however VACC believes there are some aspects which will add an additional cost burden to small business, such as the re-introduction of redundancy payments for businesses with less than 15 employees and the requirement to pay 10 days jury service,” says VACC Manager of Industrial Relations, Leyla Yilmaz.

The VACC has expressed concerns with the impact of the more flexible parental leave provisions and the proof requirements regarding the taking of personal leave, particularly during periods of annual leave.

“Small businesses cannot cover extended absences from work which larger businesses can more-easily overcome. The rules governing the right to take extended leave must be framed in a way to cater for all sectors of business, otherwise small to medium-sized businesses will be reluctant to employ,’’ she says.

“The full impact of the National Employment Standards on small business can only be gauged when all aspects of the Award modernisation process have been completed.

“VACC members have predominantly used the Award system as the basis to pay their employees. The modernisation of Awards would be beneficial to our members provided the already-existing inbuilt flexibilities are retained.

“However, VACC believes small business confronting an increasingly uncertain economic environment should not be burdened by increased costs of complying with the New Employment Standards and other changes to the Award framework,” she says.

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