Metcash to digest Franklins logistics after court win

Metcash’s supply chain will continue swallowing the load of 80 NSW and ACT more stores, now that the full bench of the Federal Court has rejected Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s application to prevent Metcash from acquiring the Franklins supermarket business. In doing so, the Federal Court held that state markets were part of a broader national market, the point that Metcash has always argued. “We will continue the process of seeking and reviewing expressions of interest for the stores, which are being sold to independent retailers,” Metcash CEO Andrew Reitzer says.
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ACCC warning on port capacity and landside performance

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has raised the spectre of Melbourne port capacity constraints by 2015 imitating those experienced recently in Sydney.

It also notes that stevedores lack any incentive to improve poor performance in servicing trucks, except in Sydney under the Port Botany Landside Improvement Strategy (PBLIS). Commenting on the ACCC’s annual report on stevedoring operations, Container stevedoring monitoring report no. 13, Chairman Rod Sims urges the Victorian Government to embrace stevedoring newcomer Hutchison Port Holdings, which is due to start operations in Sydney and Brisbane in 2013.
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