RWTA reports progress on AQIS hikes

The Refrigerated Warehouse and Transport Association (RWTA) appears to have made significant headway in its battle to ameliorate swingeing quarantine fee increases. The peak organisation had reacted angrily at the end of October after increases by the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS) − ranging from almost 500 percent for base registration to 150 percent for the hourly rate for a meat inspector – looked set to go through with what it regarded as dysfunctional consultation and a lack of appreciation for serious impact on operators as well the viability of holding export product. The RWTA, many of whose members run truck fleets, claimed its representations have effectively been ignored.
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Ludwig looks at AQIS fee hike assistance

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister Joe Ludwig is examining transitional assistance to cold chain operators, freight forwarders and small-goods manufacturers facing quarantine fee hikes of 150-500 percent, his department has told ATN.

No detail on the assistance was given. The increases to Australian Quarantine Inspection Service fees and the consultation process that led to them prompted a furious response, detailed yesterday, from the Refrigerated Warehouse and Transport Association (RWTA).
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