Toll outlines efforts keep customers receiving goods
Toll has given an indication of the challenges transport and logistics companies have faced this month as floods make supplying customers in the north and north-west extremely difficult
Operations in Western Australia’s north-west were most significantly impacted, a spokeswoman tells ATN.
Major transport routes were closed for up to three days, and rail into Perth was delayed for five days.
The road to the Newmont Mine in the Tanami Desert has been closed for over a month.
“Toll has permits to send fuel, food and emergency supplies at 60 per cent loading capacity, to keep the mine open until the road opens to all traffic,” the spokeswoman says.
Parts of the Stuart Highway were also closed for most of the weekend but opened for trucks on Sunday.
The Carpentaria Highway to Borroloola also closed, which caused some issues for some of our trucks. The road reopened to single trailer trucks in the last few days.
“Toll continues to work closely with its customers and local authorities to ensure transportation of goods can recommence safely, and as soon as possible, to minimise disruption to services in the area,” the spokeswoman says.