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Electronic efficiency

SPONSORED CONTENT | Ditch paper-based processes and go electronic across your fleet


Fleet management practices are still heavily reliant on paperwork. Its’s easily misplaced, time consuming and inaccurate.

Wasting precious time rekeying data into spreadsheets is inefficient and could be better spent on strategic initiatives.

Technology frees fleet managers and back-office staff from the drudgery of manual workflows and paper-based processes, all while providing additional insights into the business.


The freight and transport industry has traditionally operated in the dark.

Once a driver is on the road, that’s it. Modern operations need to know what drivers are up to.

Yet drivers have a lot on their plate, and these details can fall by the wayside during a long trip.

Paperwork can be hastily completed and often wrought with illegible details that must be manually entered by office staff upon return.

This is filed along with hundreds of identical-looking reports, taking up space and difficult to search.

Audits become a nightmare and creating reports that can provide solutions next to impossible.

In-cabin devices, with feature-rich applications allow drivers to create digital checklists, scan barcodes, update delivery status and keep track of information, such as fuel expenditure, all from a single screen.

All of that is value-added with solutions like Electronic Work Diaries (EWDs).

While they can’t completely replace the paper diary, in conjunction with electronic workflow solutions, they can make filling out details easier, increase the accuracy of detail and are sent immediately.

Completed quickly without disrupting the workflow and instantly recorded into the back-end system without duplication.

Faster, clearer information that gives fleet managers insights they need.


Replacing paperwork not only improves workflow, it presents the opportunity for your business to make money, such as earning a bigger Fuel Tax Credit (FTC) return.

Many businesses underclaim or skip it altogether due to the time it takes to calculate a return.

Accountants tend to rely on estimates from sample data which may not get reviewed as your usage changes.

Fearing a penalty from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) of overpayment and audits, businesses often don’t claim as much on FTC as they could.

Solutions, such as FTC Manager, capture real-time high-definition, second-by-second GPS data.

It automatically calculates on and off-road travel and generates a claim that accurately reflects what they are entitled to.

Businesses can claim back hundreds each month and reduce admin time by up to 80 hours per year. All thanks to converting the paper-based system into an electronic solution.

Using telematics to augment your current processes makes life easier and adds much needed value. The insights the data collects are invaluable.

For more information on telematic solutions, including FTC Manager, visit ftc-manager

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