Australia, Roadworks, Transport News

Speed limit dropped near Western Sydney Airport site

The speed limit along Badgerys Creek Road will be dropped from 80 km/h to 60 km/h ahead of works and increased road use in the region

The speed limit of the 5.5-kilometre section of Badgerys Creek Road between The Northern Road and Pitt Road will be reduced to 60 km/h from December 6 2024 in the lead-up to heavier use due to the construction of Western Sydney Airport.

The thoroughfare is becoming increasingly congested due to added freight and construction movements, according to Transport for NSW, with an increase in cyclists and pedestrians also expected from the Airport’s commencing of operations in 2026.

Road widening, resurfacing and line marking is also set to take place on the road in 2025 as further preparation for the expected increased use due to the airport’s construction and operation.

Transport for NSW believes the change in speed limit will ensure motorists must allow for one extra minute of travel time while using the route.

The region surrounding Western Sydney International Airport is looming as one of Australia’s key freight hubs, with the airport’s construction set to significantly boost Sydney’s multi-modal freight capability.

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