Safety campaign highlights risks of handling and transporting livestock
A compliance campaign focusing on the risks associated with livestock handling and transport will start in South Australia in June, the state’s safety watchdog alerts.
SafeWork SA defines livestock handling as including working with livestock in paddocks, laneways, yards, cattle transportation, feedlots, abattoirs, saleyards and activities relating to on-farm sales.
Thus inspectors will be auditing feedlots, saleyards, abattoirs and livestock exchange facilities to determine if adequate safety control measures are in place to protect workers from injury, including training, manual handling techniques and the provision of appropriate plant and systems of work to separate workers from animals.
SafeWork SA notes workers and other persons who conduct livestock handling are at risk of sustaining injuries such as bone fractures, bruising, dislocations, crush injuries, lacerations and in some cases may be fatal.
It also cites data from Safe Work Australia that animals are involved in around 20 per cent of serious injuries in the agriculture sector.
SafeWork SA acting executive director Glenn Farrell says the livestock transport industry is faced with high-risk activities and it is vital they are appropriately managed.
“SafeWork SA has recently developed guidelines on livestock handling providing information on managing risks associated with handling livestock and safe design for loading ramps and yards.
“I encourage anyone involved with livestock handling and transport to understand their responsibility and ways to make their workplace safe.”
The livestock sector safety guidelines are available here.
SafeWork NSW is also in the midst of a heavy vehicle safety blitz
Meanwhile, in a separate safety alert, the watchdog is also highlighting the risk of falls from trucks, noting it had recorded 18 serious injuries in 2020.
Its findings include:
- 13 of these injuries were associated with exiting the cab
- 5 were associated with falling from the tray
- 10 resulted in serious head injuries
- 8 injuries occurred below 1 metre
- 10 injuries were with falls from between 1 and 2 metres.
Farrell says that employers can manage the risk of falls by implementing safe systems of work, training drivers and regularly maintaining truck equipment.
“Some drivers have the habit of jumping from the tray or cab. This might seem like a short distance, but it takes one bad landing to result in serious injury,” he says.
“When climbing into and the cab or trailer, always use 3 points of contact at all times. This might take a fraction longer, but these extra steps are worth it when ensuring your physical safety.”
Drivers should always report any damaged equipment, such as steps and handholds to their employer immediately, and make sure that equipment is well-maintained at all times, SafeWork SA adds.