Archive, Industry News

SA road network goes greener

The ARRB is helping bring recycled materials to SA roads

The Australian Road Research Board has revealed it is receiving funding from Green Industries South Australia to work on a project that builds local council confidence in using recycled materials in their road network.

The project consists of five key components and aims to improve the awareness and confidence of local stakeholders in adopting and increasing the uptake of recycled materials in South Australia’s road networks.

The components include knowledge capture of innovative and sustainable pavement materials containing recycled materials like tyres, plastic and glass, as well as developing an implementation framework to increase the uptake of these materials on SA roads.

RELATED ARTICLE: ARRB to use recycled materials to make roads safer

Other components also feature the environmental implications of incorporating these materials into case studies and infrastructure, lice cycle assessment on three pavements designs containing recycled materials and the promotion of project outcomes through webinars and workshops on social media.

Alongside these components, the project will also look to contribute to SA’s local circular economy through job creation, landfill diversion, reduced life cycle costs and greenhouse gas emission reduction.

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