Archive, Industry News

Rudd spends $95 million on WA rail freight

The Federal Government will invest $95 million in WA's rail freight network. Good news for Sadleirs and Toll

May 13, 2010

The Rudd Government has funded a $95 million upgrade of rail track between Koolyanobbing and Kalgoorlie in Western Australia, announcing the move in the federal Budget.

But the transaction will not be complete until Australian Government-owned Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) confirms access arrangements to the interstate network in the state with rail company WestNet.

Parliamentary Secretary for Northern and Western Australia Gary Gray says the investment will be spent re-railing the line between Koolyanobbing and Kalgoorlie and building two new passing loops, reducing transit times and delays.

The project will support 315 jobs and take around 11 months to complete.

Gray says a further $8 million had already been committed before the announcement with $135 earmarked to upgrade the WA grain rail network.

The timing could not be better for Toll Holdings, which recently leased land off Asciano in the area.

Sadleirs Transport is also investing heavily in growth in the region with Western Australian population figures set to boom on top of the $30 million gas site jointly owned by Chevron and Mobil Exxon in the north of the state.

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