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RSRT publishes minimum rate research

KPMG report offers new model for remunerating contract drivers.


The Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal (RSRT) has published fresh research on the operating costs of road transport contractor drivers and the minimum rates they require to compensate for labour and equipment.

The report, by business consultancy KPMG, offers sets of both per-hour and per-kilometre rates for distribution and long-distance road deliveries, as well as single hourly rates applicable to contractor drivers only.

It includes detailed guidance material on KPMG’s assumptions and input costs. These change according to factors such as the skill and experience of the driver, the class of vehicle being used, its configuration, and the type of service being undertaken.

KPMG promotes a four-step process for determining the true cost of operation. Users need to first determine the grade of the transport worker involved then consider the vehicle class.

The number of trailers used and who owns them may add further to the minimum payment determined, and contractors operating the Northern territory, Tasmania, and regional WA are also entitled to higher rates under the draft scheme.

The research provides a complex set of tables of rates, according to each of those factors.

While comprehensive, the pricing scheme is still in its draft stages and the RSRT makes certain to point out that there is far more consultation and further research required before it is presented as an alternative to existing pricing schemes.

“The KPMG research, cost model and associated minimum payments should not be taken to represent the views or a decision of the tribunal and do not form part of an order of the tribunal,” it says.

Still, the RSRT has scheduled a short hearing for industry stakeholders to discuss the KPMG model and alternatives. A video conference will be held on April 17 to allow interested parties to have their say on payments for road transport drivers.



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