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RMS partners Charles Sturt on truck inspector training

Charles Sturt University will oversee the training being provided to RMS heavy vehicle inspectors

By Brad Gardner | November 22, 2013

The New South Wales Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) is partnering Charles Sturt University to bolster the training being provided to the agency’s heavy vehicle inspectors.

NSW Roads Minister Duncan Gay says Charles Sturt University will train and oversee RMS staff completing a Certificate IV in Government Road Transport Compliance.

Gay says the partnership provides recognised qualifications for RMS staff in the role of heavy vehicle inspector and will help improve safety on the State’s roads.

“This is the first time this type of partnership arrangement has been carried out in the country,” he says.

“Roads and Maritime Services is the largest heavy vehicle enforcement provider in the country, and this program will make us world leaders in regard to the quality of training we provide to our staff and the subsequent service they provide to road users.”

Gay says the qualification will be embedded into the training requirements for all new employees and that the course content will match national standards.

Furthermore, he says the Government, through Charles Sturt University, is looking at adding a Certificate IV in Government for heavy vehicle investigation officers.

“This Government is committed to improving heavy vehicle safety and this partnership is a clear recognition of the high quality of our staff training and the benchmarks we set in road safety,” Gay says.

“NSW has already the largest, best equipped and most active heavy vehicle inspection force in Australia. It has 285 heavy vehicle inspectors and has invested more than $70 million annually in heavy vehicle regulation.”

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