Archive, Industry News

Residents want changes to mitigate impact of trucks

Residents want Port of Melbourne's webb dock entrance moved closer to Westgate Park to reduce freight traffic in Port Melbourne

By Ruza Zivkusic | May 26, 2011

Victorian residents want the Port of Melbourne’s webb dock entrance moved closer to Westgate Park in a bid to reduce freight traffic in Port Melbourne.

Port People chairwoman Helen Kuchel, who has lived in Port Melbourne for over 30 years, says residents are frustrated with the freight movement in the area affecting their quality of life.

She says residents can hear the vibration and noise from trucks three streets away from the main roads the vehicles are travelling on.

“Without the truck traffic on the weekends it is so quiet at Port of Melbourne. The difference is so stark from when trucks are using the road to when they’re not, I think it makes such a marked impression on us,” Kuchel says.

She says residents have raised their grievances with the Port of Melbourne but it has not made any attempts to mitigate the disruptions.

“We do communicate with Port of Melbourne but I feel it’s a bit of a ‘tick the box’ type consultation. There doesn’t seem to be concrete stuff come out of it,” she says.

Port of Melbourne did not return ATN’s calls.

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