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Renewed caravan-truck safe interaction reminder

Video series funded under HVSI tackles sharing roads and facilities


A new video series informs caravan and recreational vehicle drivers on safely interacting with trucks on and off the road.

The Whiteline Television videos are fronted by well-known truck driver and safety advocate Rod Hannifey and entertainer Amelia Ryan.

They cover topics such as sharing truck stops and roadhouses or overtaking on a highway.

The videos are funded under the federal government-backed National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s (NHVR’s) Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative (HVSI).

“There are a large number of caravans and RV users returning to regional roads across many parts of Australia,” Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport Scott Buchholz says.

“Caravaners and truckies spend a lot of time on our highways, so it’s timely to remind all road users to look after each other and stay safe.”

NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto says the latest videos continue the work the NHVR had undertaken with the caravan industry over the past year.

An earlier series on trucking health and wellbeing is available here

“I’m pleased that holiday makers, through the NHVR, Whiteline or caravan industry groups, have a wide range of information to understand the difficult roles and tasks that truckies are undertaking,” Petroccitto says.

“I’m calling on any truck driver who knows someone with a caravan to ‘Tell a mate’ to watch these videos.

“They feature some of Australia’s finest outback scenery, but Rod and Amelia’s tips are vitally important whether you are on an open highway, stopping for a break or setting up for the night.”

Whiteline Television’s Steve McCarthy says the videos were part of a series to provide practical and tailored advice on key road safety for heavy vehicle drivers and caravaners.

“We’ve also released three new fatigue videos, which feature truck drivers passing on tips to other truckies that help them to manage their fatigue.

“Earlier this year we also released a series of videos on driver mental health and wellbeing.”

The Share the Road website is available here, caravaners and truckies sharing the road video here, and caravaners and truckies sharing facilities video here.


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