Australia, Roadworks, Transport News

Reid Highway Interchanges move closer to construction

The federal government says that construction of the interchanges will bolster heavy vehicle and freight movement in WA

NRW Contracting has been awarded the contract to design and constructwo new interchanges along the Reid Highway. 

A joint $225 million fund between the federal and WA governments will see the interchanges built over the top of and replace signalised intersections aAltone and Daviot Roads. 

Reid Highway is a vital freight route across Perth’s northern suburbs and the progressive removal of signalised intersections is delivering shorter, safer and more predictable journey times,” federal transport and infrastructure minister Catherine King says. 

The highway serves as a strategic east-west freight route in Western Australia. The federal government says that following the progress of the Tonkin Gap project, the new interchanges will further enhance the movement of heavy vehicles. 

The Altone and Daviot Roads intersections are just two of five remaining signalised intersections along the highway.  

The federal government says congestion at each intersection is a growing issue due to increased traffic volumes from ongoing residential and commercial development in Perth’s north-eastern corridor. 

The Reid Highway interchanges project will significantly improve traffic flow along this critical freight route,” WA transport minister Rita Saffioti says.  

“It follows the removal of the last single carriageway section of the highway in 2020 and the upgrade of Tonkin Highway between Morley and Muchea.” 

As part of the construction, access ramps and roundabouts will be built to maintain connectivity to and from the highway. 

For cyclists and pedestrians, a new bridge and multiple underpasses will be built to help flow traffic through a continuous shared path between West Swan Road and Malaga Drive. 

The Australian Government continues to work closely with the Western Australian Government to deliver critical road, rail and cycling infrastructure to improve safety and reduce congestion,” King says. 

The federal government says construction is scheduled to start in 2024 and to be complete by early 2026. 

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