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Questions go unanswered on Truck Action Plan

Greens slam Victorian Government over "dawdling" on plan to reduce truck traffic in Melbourne's west

By Ruza Zivkusic | August 22, 2011

Victorian Greens MP Colleen Hartland has slammed the government over its approach to the Truck Action Plan.

Eighty-three days after questioning the government on the plan to address truck traffic in Melbourne’s west, Hartland has received an answer but says she is no closer to knowing what will happen.

“The government took 83 days to respond despite the 30-day deadline, and then they provided no information on how they plan to address the growing truck problem,” Hartland says.

“We don’t need to review another review or another strategy. We need action. Freight moving through our suburbs is set to double within 10 years.”

In his response to Hartland, Transport Minister Terry Mulder says the government is committed to improving freight efficiency and addressing congestion and amenity concerns in Melbourne’s inner and outer suburban areas, including the western suburbs.

“To this end, there are three key strategies currently under development,” he says.

“The government is assessing a range of possible initiatives in the context of the new Metropolitan Planning Strategy and Transport Solutions.

“The government has also announced the preparation of a Growing Freight on Rail strategy, to be completed by the end of the year, which will consider the potential for moving more metropolitan freight by rail.”

Hartland says the government needs to act immediately to prevent truck traffic from doubling by 2020, as is forecasted, by building the West Gate truck ramps.

“In the west our residential streets are overloaded with trucks and this government is dawdling – taking a sitting on hands to new level,” she says.

“Now in government the Liberal Party must put their money where their mouth is, stop ignoring the growing truck problem, build the Westgate ramps and put freight on rail.”

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