Queensland Trucking Association (QTA) CEO Gary Mahon is calling on the federal government to improve road freight productivity following a review of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL).
Mahon says despite the review of the HVNL taking seven years, the future law continues to “constrict and constrain” productivity in the freight industry.
“What we need from our political leaders is a strong and open priority for freight productivity growth along with boosting industry competitiveness,” Mahon says.
“Opening up access and cutting red-tape is the starting point.”
Mahon says the HVNL review shows no dialogue of reforming the future of the road freight industry over the next 20 years and poses major concerns for the sector due to Australia’s heavy reliance on road freight services.
“Australia relies on road freight to sustain our lifestyles and support our sparsely populated regional communities,” Mahon says.
“Improving the national road freight network to provide at least one all-weather corridor will make for more safer and efficient connections and will accelerate the investment in higher productivity vehicle combinations.
“This will also be critical as the industry starts to benchmark for environmental, social and governance reporting towards lowering emission targets.”
Mahon says the state and federal governments must further invest in improving renewable manufacturing infrastructure and the high productivity vehicles that help deliver these projects.
Mahon says with Queensland’s road freight carrying more than 300kg for every person per day, the investment will energise its economy, boost safety and efficiency and bring much needed congestion relief for the state and the country.
“The lack of progress on pro-productivity policies over the past decade is constraining the industry – this must change,” Mahon says.
“It requires a step back from a defensive legislative posture. Policies need to reflect more contemporary legislation with forward looking productivity in mind.
“Policies need aspiring spirit and intent to set the tone for a stronger economic future. This is critical to achieve genuine reform. The time is now.”