QR National doubles the electric capacity of the rail system connecting coal mines west of Rockhampton to the Gladstone export terminals
January 24, 2012
QR National is on track to double the electric capacity of the rail system connecting coal mines west of Rockhampton to the export terminals at Gladstone.
The rail freight provider says it has commissioned the first of four new electrical feeder stations in the Blackwater coal system as part of its major $195 million electrification upgrade project.
One of the largest upgrades since the
initial electrification of the Central Queensland Coal Network in the 1980s, the
project will allow more new high-capacity electric trains to operate on the Blackwater network.
Construction and commissioning of the $55 million feeder station at Raglan, 60 kilometres south of Rockhampton, is the first to be completed and will be followed by new electrical feeder stations at Wycarbah, Duaringa and Bluff in Central Queensland.
Commissioning of these remaining three feeder stations will follow progressively over the coming months, with the entire electrification project on track for completion in June 2012, six months ahead of schedule.
QR National Network Executive Vice President Michael Carter says the company has delivered the Raglan works under budget, despite the construction challenges posed by Queensland’s wet weather last year.
“The hard work of our project delivery team means we remain on track to complete the Blackwater Power Project by the middle of the year, at which time the entire system will be electrified by Powerlink and the extra capacity will take effect.”
The Blackwater Power Project is designed to cater for the growing coal export demand in the region.
Completed works at Raglan include the establishment of the feeder and connecting stations, as well as track sectioning cabins at Bajool and Mount Larcom.
The upgrades will see 33 all-electric locomotives in operation upon completion in 2012.