Archive, Industry News

Popularity of in-vehicle units booms

More trucking operators are voluntarily introducing black box technology to their fleets.


About 25,000 in-vehicle tracking units have now been installed in heavy vehicles around Australia, representing a 65 per cent increase over the last two years.

Transport Certification Australia (TCA) says each of the units installed meets the technical specifications the agency mandates for the Intelligent Access Program (IAP), regardless of whether the vehicle is required to use it or not.

“While it is recognised that not all transport operators need the Intelligent Access Program (IAP) for their operations, it is pleasing to see that the industry is making in-vehicle unit procurement decisions with a focus on value for money and performance,” TCA CEO Chris Koniditsiotis says.

“Moreover, it signals that the transport industry is seeking to optimise the management of their heavy vehicles, irrespective of their need to enrol vehicles in the IAP for road access purposes.”

The Australian Trucking Association’s NSW branch (ATA NSW) has applauded the large level of voluntary adoption of in-vehicle units. 

“ATA NSW will continue to encourage the adoption of technologies that provide safety, environmental and commercial benefits for our members and community,” manager Jodie Broadbent says.

”While this technology may help police in crash investigations on occasion, its main benefit is to help operators ensure freight is moved in the most safe and efficient manner possible.”

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