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Perth truck drivers back-paid $93,000

Perth-based transporter left owing truck drivers almost $100,000 after failing to pay them the correct rates.

The Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) is continuing to uncover significant cases of truck drivers being paid incorrectly, with the latest matter involving 12 truck drivers being underpaid a total of $93,000.

Inspectors combing through the books of a Perth-based transporter discovered underpayments to drivers over a 12-month period in 2011-2012.

The drivers did not receive the correct cents-per-kilometre rates they were entitled to for long-distance trips because the company did not apply the correct minimum rates when calculating their pay.

The FWO says the drivers were paid the money they were owed without the need for further legal action.

Ombudsman Natalie James says the case highlights the importance of employers being fully aware of minimum wages and entitlements that apply to their employees.

“If left unchecked over time, a small underpayment can result in a hefty bill when discovered – a bill that most small business have not budgeted for,” she says.

Inspectors also uncovered underpayments in other industries in Perth, including $6,600 for a chef and $6,000 for an administration manager.

“We’re satisfied the underpayments were inadvertent and our inspectors assisted the employers to voluntarily rectify the underpayments and helped them put processes in place to ensure they comply with workplace laws in the future,” James says.

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