Timeline on heavy vehicle exemption pushed back until mid-October to allow industry to respond
The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has extended the consultation period on new exemptions for personal use of heavy vehicles.
Initially proposed to run to the start of next month, feedback from the industry asking for more time has seen the closure date pushed back until Friday, October 13.
The consultation surrounds the ability for heavy vehicle drivers to receive user-friendly exemptions for managing fatigue and operating a fatigue-related heavy vehicle for personal tasks.
Under the current proposal, operators would be able to use a heavy vehicle at the end of the day or on a day off for up to one hour to complete non-revenue activities.
These activities could include reaching sleeping accommodation, preparing for a trip, having a meal or re-stocking supplies.
An hour for personal use already exists in New South Wales for a driver’s day off.
Speaking at the consultation’s announcement earlier this month, NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto ensured both flexibility and safety can be maintained in the transport industry through the new proposal.
The news was welcomed by the Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association (ALRTA), which believed the exemption would enhance the quantity of rest for long-haul drivers, who compared to short-distance drivers don’t always have access to sleeping quarters, meals, wash facilities or a personal car.
You can make a submission on the proposal here.