The industry body wants small operators to nominate and vote for their representatives
The Australian Trucking Association (ATA) has called on its owner-driver and small fleet operator members to help it elect their representatives on its general council in February.
According to ATA chair Noelene Watson, the industry body holds a seat for each of the groups on the council and ensures the industry’s smaller operators have their voices heard.
“The ATA Council debates and sets our strategic policy direction, dealing with issues that impact our industry’s safety, professionalism and viability,” Watson says.
“This election gives owner drivers and small fleet operators the opportunity to have a direct say in who will represent them and their issues on the ATA Council.”
The election, which takes place every two years, will be conducted entirely online in 2017.
Those who register will receive a link to an online election system, where they will be able to lodge an online ballot paper.
“This election will be more accessible than ever for owner drivers and small fleet operators, as the days of waiting for ballot papers to arrive in the mail have now made way for online, secure ballots,” Watson says.
“We made this change after a review of our election rules, chaired by past ATA Chair Kathy Williams.”
To register to vote, the ATA says individuals need to own, be purchasing or leasing between one to five trucks over 4.5 tonnes. They must also provide a valid ABN and email address.
To be nominated for the council, individuals must be registered to vote and a member of an ATA member organisation.
Voter registrations open on January 18, while candidate nominations open on January 25, 2017. Both close on February 22.