NHVR hopes to remove more than 20,000 notices from the system
The harmonisation and reform of the oversize and overmass (OSOM) regime nationally is making progress, the Queensland Transport Association (QTA) has indicated.
The push has so far identified 21 existing state and transitional notices and 42 permit-based schemes that need to be tackled.
“Some of these notices cover multiple vehicle types and would need to be sliced apart to extract the relevant OSOM clauses,” the association tells members.
“The NHVR has initially split the project into more manageable phases to provide an earlier, intermediate benefit to industry whilst the complex task of harmonisation progresses.
This first phase has the prime objective of reducing the number of permits by replacing existing period permits and permit-based schemes under a notice.
“This will provide direct, immediate benefit to industry with the potential of removing an estimated 20,000+ permits each year, and will increase the transparency and highlight the differences between jurisdictions.
“It is proposed that the next phase will address the differences and work towards harmonisation.”
The QTA notes that The NHVR has decided make a separate oversize (OS) and overmass (OM) notice as opposed to a single combined notice.
“The pros and cons of this approach should be considered and included in any comments forwarded to the NHVR,” it advises.
Details regarding the notices include:
- they only cover Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia
- Australian Capital Territory has not advised of any period permits or policies
- NHVR is working on a separate intermediate solution for Tasmania that will cover their current unique situation
- In place of a Queensland entry in the oversize notice, NHVR proposes an amendment to Form 4 to remove the need to obtain Letters Of No Objection (LONOs).
The Tasmanian situation has already sparked concern at permit delays from at least one operator, Tasmanian Heavy Haulage, while moves in Victoria earlier this year were welcomed by state industry.