Archive, Product News

OptAlert eyes US market

The OptAlert driver fatigue technology will be tested in the US following the granting of an $18,000 Victoria Fellowship yesterday.

By Rob McKay | September 14, 2010

The OptAlert driver fatigue technology will be tested in the US following the granting of an $18,000 Victoria Fellowship yesterday.

The recipient, Suzanne Ftouni, who is
completing her PhD at the School of Psychology and Psychiatry at Monash University, is looking at ways to tackle the fatigue issue.

She says that part of the issue to date is that there is a lack of practical and objective methods of monitoring drowsiness levels while driving.

Ftouni will travel to the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston to use its sleep laboratory to run a controlled and in-depth analysis of OptAlert, developed by Melbourne sleep expert Dr Murray Johns, against other vigilance methods.

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