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NTC seeks PBS marketplace review input

Feedback sought in the first comprehensive review of the scheme since its launch


The National Transport Commission (NTC) is seeking industry feedback on Performance-Based Standards (PBS) to help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the scheme.

NTC has released a discussion paper, Assessing the effectiveness of the PBS marketplace and identifying barriers to vehicle design innovation, which includes preliminary findings from an evaluation of the scheme and potential ways to improve it.

It is the first comprehensive evaluation of the scheme, which was introduced as an alternative performance-based regulatory system that could replace the prescriptive method of using mass and dimension limits.

NTC chief executive Paul Retter says the review aims to build on safety and productivity gains as Australia’s freight task grows.

“Road freight is projected to increase by 26 per cent in the next 10 years. PBS vehicles are well placed to assist industry and government in coping with this forecasted growth,” he says.

“Since 2007, when the world-first scheme started, PBS vehicles have been involved in fewer crashes, carried more freight with fewer trips, generated lower emissions and reduced road maintenance expenditure.

“We need to continue improving the scheme to promote greater uptake of these vehicles.”

Feedback from this evaluation will help feed into recommendations that will be presented to transport ministers in May 2018.

Submissions can be made until 5pm on October 9 through the NTC website.

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