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NSW owner drivers to receive pay increase

The TWU says it has won a big pay rise for the state’s owner-driver couriers

The Transport Workers’ Union (TWU) has announced that thousands of owner-driver couriers across New South Wales will receive pay increases.

The TWU says it had a recent victory in the NSW Industrial Relations Commission, leading to owner drivers receiving pay increases of between 7 and 11 per cent from today onwards.

Under the TWU’s changes to the General Carriers Contract Determination and Courier and Taxi Truck Contract Determination, smaller vehicle owner drivers will receive increases to their minimum rates of pay.

Bicycle riders receive a 10.9 per cent increase, while motorcycle riders get a 7.2 per cent increase and vehicles under 750 kilograms receive an increase of 6.7 per cent.

For slightly larger vehicles weighing between 750 kilograms and one tonne they’ll get a 6.9 per cent increase, while 1 to 1.5 tonne and 1.5 to 3 tonne vehicles will get an 8 per cent and 8.4 per cent increase respectively.

RELATED ARTICLE: TWU strikes deal with Uber for transport future

TWU NSW state secretary Richard Olsen says the win comes as a welcome relief for owner drivers while they are struggling to keep up with increases in operating costs and the cost of living.

“The minimum rates for owner drivers with small vehicles have barely moved since they were first set 15 years ago,” Olsen says.

“These increases won by the TWU are long overdue and will help owner drivers keep up with costs such as fuel and toll roads which seem to never stop going up.

“And the good news isn’t over yet – under the TWU’s successful application, drivers will receive similar increases on July 1 in 2023 and 2024 as well.”

The increased rates will also apply to Amazon Flex couriers, who will now be entitled to a minimum rate of $31.84 per hour.

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