Transport News

NSW government consults truckies to shape rest stop plans

The NSW government says it will chat with truck drivers to help plan for its future truck stop network

The NSW state government says it is encouraging truckies and the freight industry to participate in consultation to improve heavy vehicle rest stops across the state. 

NSW regional transport and roads minister Sam Farraway says the initiative is important because it helps the government address gaps in the rest stop network and ensure facilities meet the needs of drivers. 

“The road freight industry is critical to our state’s economy, from big business and farmers to retailers and consumers. We all rely on these drivers to ensure our goods get to us quickly and efficiently,” Farraway says. 

“It is important that we provide quality facilities that support heavy vehicle drivers and improve road safety. Up north in Clybucca we have installed outdoor fitness equipment for truckies to use so they can stretch and get exercise in after a long period on the road.

“The NSW freight task is expected to grow by 34 per cent by 2061 and the NSW government is doing everything to support this growth, which will ensure our supply chain is efficient, our economy is strong and our future bright. 
“We have several projects underway investigating, planning, designing and constructing heavy vehicle rest stop improvements. Industry feedback is guiding this work to ensure it meets the current and future needs of heavy vehicle drivers and the growing freight task.   

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“We want to hear from the road freight industry, particularly heavy vehicle drivers on what they need and expect at rest stops across NSW and where additional facilities are needed.”

The Livestock, Bulk and Rural Carriers Association President Wade Lewis welcomed the continued progression of the NSW Heavy Vehicle Rest Stop program, which will provide new and upgraded rest areas for heavy vehicles on key freight routes in NSW. 

“Rest areas are a vital component of the heavy vehicle task and support drivers to manage fatigue and comply with driving hours regulation,” Lewis says.

“The NSW Heavy Vehicle Rest Stop program highlights the commitment by the NSW government to engage with industry to develop a practical and capable rest area network.”

Consultation will be open until February 28, 2023.  

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