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NSW authorities continue focus on heavy vehicle compliance

Authorities nab defective trucks on the Hume Highway in New South Wales.


Authorities in New South Wales have ushered in the new year with a continued focus on heavy vehicle compliance, with officers nabbing defective trucks on the Hume Highway.

NSW Police uncovered non-compliant equipment on two B-doubles stopped for inspection on January 3 and January 7.

The truck inspected on January 3 was carrying a load of mixed dangerous goods. NSW Police says the load was not secured and the tyres and brakes were defective, leading to the driver receiving fines totalling $1,172.

The second vehicle was stopped at Pheasants Nest on the highway. Following an inspection, officers alleged the truck had unsecured items on board and a non-compliant speed limiter to allow it to exceed the 100km/h speed limit.

Checks also revealed the 42-year-old Queensland driver was wanted for driving matters. He was arrested to appear in court.

“We make no excuses for stopping these drivers and if necessary can ensure they are taken off the road for a period of time. We will continue to work with our partner agencies to ensure road users are not at risk,” NSW Police assistant commissioner John Hartley says.

The NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) says both incidents are concerning given they occurred during one of the busiest times of the year on NSW roads.

“It was only the good work of police and Roads and Maritime officers which prevented what could have been a terrible tragedy,” RMS general manager of compliance operations Paul Endycott says.

While NSW Police or the RMS have not indicated if further action will be taken against other parties, Endycott has used both incidents to remind the likes of consignors about chain of responsibility requirements.

“Consignors loaders and others in the chain of responsibility need to take more ownership in this. Directors of these companies can and will be held personally liable for these offences,” he says.

Endycott adds that RMS officers recently received training in enforcement under dangerous goods transport law.

The training focused on coordinating multi-agency activities relating to dangerous goods and heavy vehicle regulation.

“It sends a strong message to the heavy vehicle industry there are more of us out there ensuring improved compliance of heavy vehicles carrying dangerous goods than ever before,” Endycott says.

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