The NHVR has warned operators in the two states to stay up to date with the latest notice changes
The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has warned heavy vehicle operators to be wary of recent changes made to grain harvest management scheme mass exemption notices.
In both New South Wales and Victoria, changes have been introduced to the schemes as part of its renewal this month.
The new notice came into effect in NSW last week, with three changes made to the NSW Class 3 Grain Harvest Management Scheme Mass Exemption Notice 2021 (No. 2).
This includes removing the requirement to carry the notice in a heavy vehicle compartment, removing the requirement to travel to the nearest grain receiver for vehicles that qualify for access to higher level networks like Higher Mass Limits and Performance Based Standards and clarifying the application of approved intelligent access systems to eligible workers.
The changes made to Victoria’s Class 3 Grain Harvest Management Scheme Mass Exemption Notice 2017 (No. 1) came into place on Tuesday September 27 for drivers.
RELATED ARTICLE: NHVR opens new NSW office
This also included removing the requirement to carry the notice in a heavy vehicle compartment, while also removing the requirement for eligible vehicles to be enrolled in the Grain Harvest Management Scheme.
For operators who transport grain in Victoria, the notice has also updated the description of eligible vehicles to alleviate confusion.
This means Rigid – 2 Axle has been renamed to single steer, single drive rigid truck and Prime Mover (Single Drive) & Semi Trailer – 5 Axles has been changed to single steer, single drive prime mover and triaxle semitrailer.
The NHVR emphasises this means that there is no change to eligible vehicles, as the change refers to the way they are described.