The NHVR has confirmed the raised prices of access permit fees, work diaries and fine rates
The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has officially confirmed that fees and rates have risen from July 1 onwards.
The NHVR says access permit fees have increased by $2 while the cost of a National Driver Work Diary has also risen by $1.
This means the fee for a class 1,2 or 3 permit application, as well as a HML permit application, has risen to $78.
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The NHVR says fees have also increased for National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme modules, as well as the price of Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) penalties and fines.
This means the NHVAS advanced fatigue management accreditation sits at $144, while the NHVAS basic fatigue management and maintenance accreditation application now cost $95 each.
NHVAS mass accreditation is also now $95, while a national driver written work diary has risen to a $26 fee.
The NHVR says these increases in fees and fines fall in line with the consumer price index and matches current inflation seen in the industry.