Archive, Industry News

NatRoad calls for port reform focus

NatRoad says state governments must use several key strategies to begin focusing on port reforms

The National Road Transport Association (NatRoad) is urging state governments to focus on reforming ports around Australia.

Reform of our ports is on the agenda once again and NatRoad has called out the issue of soaring fines on truck operators to a New South Wales government review.

NatRoad says that a national re-examination of the way ports operate is needed.

The association says it strongly advocate the use of incentives rather than penalties to deal with landside inefficiencies.

RELATED ARTICLE: NatRoad calls for ministers to follow Kanofski reform

NatRoad says that lower port charges for High Productivity Vehicles are more sensible than hitting them with a ‘long vehicle’ fee.

The association says in a release that access to and from ports needs a fresh approach.

“A report into Victoria’s ports that was issued earlier this month was disappointingly light on substance,” NatRoad says.

“We are hopeful a pending Productivity Commission report, due in draft this month, will shine a light on much-needed reforms.”

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