The opening of a new fast charging site marks the halfway mark for this project
The WA EV Network has reached the halfway mark with the opening of Synergy’s Jerramungup electric vehicle (EV) fast charging site.
Hyden’s EV fast charger is the 26th site to open out of 49 planned locations throughout Western Australia. Synergy and Horizon Power are installing the charging stations along key travel routes, averaging less than 200 kilometres apart.
Once finished, it will cover 7,000km north to Kununurra, along WA’s south west coast to Esperance and east to Kalgoorlie and Eucla.
The 150kW Jerramungup charger, which allows drivers to top up their EVs in about 20 minutes, is situated along the southern coastline and links Albany to Esperance.
Warmun, Derby, Halls Creek, Norseman, and Hamelin Pool have all received EV fast chargers in recent months with construction already underway for locations at Billabong, Minilya, Kalgoorlie, Kojonup, Brookton, Ravensthorpe, and Bunbury.
There have been more than 5,500 charging sessions completed along the WA EV Network since the first charger went live in Geraldton in April 2023.
“The WA EV Network is playing an important role in supporting sustainable transportation development and reducing carbon emissions as we transition to net zero by 2050,” WA energy minister Reece Whitby says.