Logistics News

Liverpool Council review critiques Moorebank EIS

Assumption used by proponents understate congestion and impacts, author Cardno finds


Liverpool Council has released a review of the Sydney Intermodal Terminal Alliance’s (SIMTA’s) Moorebank project environmental impact statement (EIS) that lays out four main points of contention.

The review is produced by consultancy Cardno, which has been involved with earlier examinations for a local government body that opposes the project.

The review found that environmental impacts are “extensive” and primarily concern Moorebank, surrounding suburbs and associated transit corridors.

Key issues Cardno associates with the project include:

  • traffic congestion and associated impacts on amenity due to additional vehicles on the road network. These impacts are anticipated to be greater than predicated in the EIS due to the assumptions used
  • noise and air qauality impacts on human health during construction and operations, which are likely to be greater than identified in the EIS due to the traffic assumptions used
  • impacts from the rail alignment on the function of the Southern Sydney Freight Line, biodiversity, visual amenity, heritage and existing development
  • hazard and risk both within the site and beyond the site boundary associated with the transport and distribution network.

“These impacts are yet to be adequately assessed and managed by the proponent, with the potential to mitigate these impacts to an acceptable level questioned,” the report says.

“However, prior to this additional assessment being undertaken, it is essential that a precinct-wide master planning process be undertaken.

“The master planning would be informed by the latest agreement between SIMTA and MIC as to the extent of cooperation and integration of the two proposed IMT’s, while also considering Council’s strategic intent for the site and surrounds.

“Inputs would also be required from other stakeholders including the P&E, Transport for NSW and Roads and Maritime Services.

“The master planning and subsequent assessment would help to identify whether IMT facilities at Moorebank are a viable land use and achieve the highest and best use of both the land and potentially Federal Government funds.

“It is recommended that the master planning is informed by a comprehensive review of alternatives as required by both the Secretaries Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

“Master planning and subsequent environmental assessment would help to resolve a number of the gaps in the EIS to provide additional certainty for the community, while helping to address the currently unmitigated residual impacts.

“Dependent upon the findings of the master planning process it is recommended that a precinct wide planning proposal be prepared to clearly define the future land uses and resolve the current SIMTA scheme.”

Though these have been rejected by state and federal governments, the 222-page review offers alternatives in the form of Badgerys Creek Airport surrounds and increased capacity at Enfield and Chullora intermodal terminals.

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