Archive, Industry News

Input sought for fatigue management accreditation initiative

Competency units for drivers, schedulers, supervisors, managers and business owners being designed


Rebadged skills and training body Australian Industry Standards (AIS) is seeking industry involvement in a fatigue management initiative.

AIS is developing units of competency to meet the fatigue management accreditation requirements of the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR).

Working with the Transport and Logistics Industry Reference Committee (IRC) and industry stakeholders, “this project will be see the development of three new units of competency to meet the accreditation requirements of the NHVR”, the AIS says.

Job roles covered by these units will include drivers, schedulers, supervisors, managers and business owners.

The project has been approved by the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) and is expected to be submitted for endorsement by 16th November 2016.

AIS is part of the federal education department’s Skills Service Organisations initiative that vocational education and skills minister Luke Hartsuyker launched in January and is the successor to the Transport and Logistics Industry Skills Council (TLISC)

Under the reform, AIS, Artibus Innovation, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Skills Impact and SkillsIQ would work with Industry Reference Committees to help them review and develop training packages.

“Industry Reference Committees are at the heart of our national training system and are made up of people with in-depth knowledge, skills and experience in particular industry sectors,” Hartsuyker said at the time.

“Industry Reference Committees are responsible for the development of training packages that reflect the needs and priorities of employers.

“These training packages are an essential part of our national training system as they set out the skills and competencies required for different jobs across a range of industries.

 Under the chairmanship of Linfox human resources president Laurie D’Apice, the AIS board is populated by senior logistics, government and union office-holders.

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