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HVNL review consultation period extended

NTC calls on all impacted parties to take advantage of extra time


The National Transport Commission (NTC) has extended the closing date for submissions to the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) review consultation regulation impact statement (RIS) until November 20.

The federal policy organisation is urging industry players to have their say on the proposed options they prefer and shape the future of the law that they will operate under for the foreseeable future.

Feedback can be presented in two ways to provide:

  • Using the short submission form to give feedback on topics of interest or relevance through the HVNL review site
  • Providing a formal written submission on the NTC website.

The NTC is releasing a series of short explanations of key HVNL reform options and how they might affect you.

The five-minute overviews of key options in the consultation RIS complement the RIS and the HVNL 2.0 document.

These explanations provide a quick insight into the reform options under consideration, and invite views and are also to be posted on the HVNL review website.

Read how the HVNL 2.0 document came to be released, here

“The feedback provided will be considered when finalising the policy options to present to ministers for approval in the first half of 2021,” the NTC says.

It adds that the consultation regulation impact statement is the key document the NTC is consulting on in this phase of the review. It includes over 40 reform options to improve the HVNL.

It also urges those in the industry to read HVNL 2.0, “a complementary guide that is less technical and aims to provide an example of what a future HVNL might look like”.

There are also fact sheets on key topics.


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