Australia, Transport News

Gilgunnia Goldfields rest upgrades complete

The $255,000 improvements to NSW’s Gilgunnia Goldfieds Rest Area have now been completed

Works to bring the Gilgunnia Goldfields Rest Area up to modern standards are complete, with a flushing toilet and drainage improvement works part of the improvements to the site.

Located about 109 kilometres south of Cobar on the Kidman Way, $255,000 was committed to upgrade the space, with the removal of the waterless composting toilet key to the improvements.

Redundant facilities including a non-working barbecue, a cage and a disused water tank will be removed in the coming weeks.

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison says access to clean and modern rest areas is a crucial part in ensuring drivers, including heavy vehicle drivers, engage in appropriate fatigue management.

“Long distances are a fact of life for people travelling in western NSW and managing fatigue is vital for road safety,” Aitchison says.

“Providing clean and modern rest areas with toilet facilities like the one at this rest area is one way the Minns Labor government can encourage motorists to take proper rest breaks which can save lives.

“We are proud to be investing in long overdue upgrades to rest areas which will help ensure all road users have a decent place to stop, revive and survive while embarking on their journeys.”

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