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Farrell and Freightliner help drought-hit farmers

Coronado goes on loan to Burrumbuttock Hay Runners organiser


You’ll find Burrumbuttock Hay Runners organiser Brendan Farrell behind the wheel of a Freightliner Coronado ahead of his next hay run to rural Queensland.

Freightliner lent Farrell the Coronado 122 for the summer period to help his tireless relief work for farmers doing it tough.

The humble hay runner has already been putting the Coronado to work as an owner-driver and it’s set to be used for the 15th Burrumbuttock Hay run on January 26, delivering much-needed hay to farmers in Quilpie and surrounds.

Farrell expects a whopping fleet of 300 volunteer trucks, delivering more than 10,000 large hay bales to South-West Queensland.

The team at Freightliner offered Farrell the Coronado after hearing that his two working trucks were off the road.

“Brendan has been helping Aussie farmers for years in a truly selfless manner,” Freightliner Australia director Steve Downes says.

“When we heard he was having truck trouble, it was a no-brainer to help him out with a Freightliner for a few months.

“We know the Coronado is tough enough to do this important work and we know Brendan will love driving it.”

Freightliner grows a Mo for Movember. Check it out here

After putting the Coronado to work on the roads in roadtrain configuration, Farrell says he’s impressed.

“It is so comfortable to drive, and to sleep in. I’m doing a lot of kilometres, so it’s important to be able to get a good rest when I pull up,” he says.

Farrell reckons the 15-litre Detroit up front has plenty of go, but he’s also glad the truck has an 18-speed Roadranger to keep him busy shifting cogs.

The bold styling of the American Coronado, the big bullbar and some tasteful chrome work is not lost on him either.

“It’s bloody beautiful – a real nice looking truck,” he says.

The Australian Trucking Association (ATA) says that, with the support of MaxiTRANS, the Volvo ATA Safety Truck will join the Burrumbuttock Hay Run as it makes its way from Darlington Point, NSW, to Quilpie QLD. 

For information on helping out with the Australia Day hay run or donating to the cause, head to the Burrumbuttock Hay Runners’ Facebook page here.


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