Logistics News

EDITORIAL: Smart systems required for carbon-constrained world

Do you know how much carbon your supply chain produces? And most importantly, are you in a position to cut it,

Do you know how much carbon your supply chain produces?

And most importantly, are you in a position to cut it, trade it and take advantage of, rather than be hurt by, the compulsory initiatives quickly coming in a carbon-constrained world?

Technology is driving the move to greener, leaner supply chains. Most of the major solutions providers have launched bolt-on carbon tools to monitor emissions and identify savings.

Because tackling climate change goes well beyond energy-efficient light globes and alternative heavy vehicle fuels. As complex as supply chains are, the task of measuring the footprint up and down the chain – and working collaboratively to reduce it – requires smart thinking and smarter systems.

Those that don’t have the technology platform in place will be tangled in the regulatory red tape that carbon reporting will bring. And it puts parties in the chain behind the eight ball in taking advantage of trading schemes.

As one technology provider points out, proposed trading schemes may allow companies to earn credits that can be traded with less-efficient operators. Already the European carbon emission permit market is put at 40 billion Euro world-wide in 2007.

If you don’t know how much carbon your business and logistics network is putting into the air it’s virtually impossible to reduce it, let alone trade it.

What do you think? Send us your feedback.

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