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Eastick receives VTAs WFD Chalmers Award

Former executive council member recognised for his contribution to the industry


The Victorian Transport Association (VTA) presented Andrew Eastick with the WFD Chalmers Award during its President’s Dinner in Melbourne last night.

Presented in the memory of Daryl Chalmers, who sat on the VTA’s executive council for over four decades, the award recognises the services to the transport and logistics industry in support of the VTA and its members. 

Eastick served as a member of VTA’s executive council for over 15 years before stepping down from the position earlier this month.

“Andrew has been a strong advocate for both the VTA and the transport industry in general for over 30 years and we’re thrilled to be able to honour his tireless work with this award,” VTA CEO Peter Anderson says.

“A passionate and driven supporter of the VTA, Andrew has sat on the executive council for 16 years and has been an active, integral member of a number of VTA committees.

“Having recently announced that he’ll be stepping down, we’ll be sad to lose Andrew’s wealth of experience, insights and personality.

“However, we’re sure we haven’t seen the last of him, as Andrew will no doubt remain a valuable member of the VTA and the transport industry he loves.”

The award was presented in the company of over 100 industry members and last night’s key speaker roads and ports minister Luke Donnellan.

Eastick recently took the position of chief operations executive at CSG Limited.

In the past, he has held senior administrative positions at Toll, IPEC, TNT and Comet Overnight Transport.

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