Archive, Industry News

Drivers charged after Operation Kamyon

Joint operation results in breaches and court notices; Police looking at COR options


The South West Metro Region Highway Patrol, together with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), reports Operation Kamyon was conducted on November 27 and 28, targeting “heavy vehicle safety, compliance, load restraint”.

NSW Police notes trucks and trailers were intercepted in the Wetherill Park and Denham Court areas and escorted back to RMS sites for further inspection.

A truck driver was recently charged with 104 offences. Read more, here

A total of 124 inspections (83 trucks and 41 trailers) were conducted at RMS sites, while 195 breath tests and 36 oral fluid tests were conducted, with the following results reported:

  • No positive drug or alcohol tests
  • Six engine control module downloads (all compliant)
  • 41 defect notices issued for: ancilliary equipment (48), body/chassis (21), brakes (19) oil and fuel leaks (14), steering (3) and other minor defects
  • 70 infringements issued for a range of issues, including: load restraint breaches, vehicle standards breaches and work diary compliance
  • Court attendance notices issued for matters such as driving while suspended (three charges), driving while disqualified (one charge), and other charges including refusing to state name, excess work hours and false work diary entry
  • Six mass breaches being actioned by RMS personnel

Commenting on the offences regarding chain of responsibility, NSW Police chief inspector and stakeholder relations manager Phillip Brooks confirms to ATN that police is looking at “the more serious ones to take up the chain”.

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