The new site increases the capacity of the terminal to 1.4 million TEU per annum
DP World Australia officially opened an additional 450 ground slots at its Bentley Chemplax site in Melbourne in a special event on Tuesday.
The new 30,000sqm space offers an additional 100,000 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit) container capacity per annum at the West Swanson site.
Opening the new facility, Victorian roads and ports minister Luke Donnellan says the increased capacity will assist Victoria in its growing export business.
The minister also welcomed DP World’s expansion plans that include a port-rail service, which aims to provide importers and exporters in the western suburbs of metropolitan Melbourne a reliable metropolitan on-dock rail service at the Port of Melbourne.
“This [the on-dock rail service] creates a potential for lower costs for exporters and increased competitive advantage for shipping lines throughout Melbourne.
He says the government is interested in promoting the project that aims to help increase freight efficiency and reduce traffic congestion on the roads.
The completion of the Bentley Chemplax site is the first in a series of new investments in DP World’s hardstand infrastructure, yard equipment and wharf assets, the company says.
“The additional capacity provides our customers with a greater level of service and increased productivity,” DP World CEO Paul Scurrah says.
“This will enable our Melbourne team to handle additional volumes and offer improved truck turn times, as fewer consolidated moves will be required at the terminal.”
“We are investing in the future,” DP World CFO Jason Varsamidis says.
“This terminal expansion demonstrates our commitment to growing our service offering for our customers.
“Bentley Chemplax is a part of an extensive capital investment program, which has also seen us invest in new quay and automated stacking cranes, an empty container handling facility in Sydney, and ten new next-generation straddle carriers in Melbourne.”
The next phase of DP World’s expansion project includes the partial closure and redevelopment of Coode Road – subject to Port of Melbourne approval.
The event concluded with a special guided tour of the East and West Swanson sites.