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Total Rockbreaking Solutions - WA

10 Ferguson Street

Kewdale, WA

Total Rockbreaking Solutions - WA Visit website


Title SIMEX TF 850
Type Machinery Attachments
Sub Type Twin Headers
Model TF 850
Hire Rate $2,200 per week
Listing Type Used
Stock Number S75
RefCode TA1254528
Operator Available No
Transport Available No
Drum Diameter - mm590
Width of Cut - mm800


- weight without bracket 1,140kg
- suits excavators from 14 - 22t
- cutting force 40.2kN

The Simex TF 850 Twin Header Rock Grinder delivers exceptional performance with minimal disturbance. Its quiet operation (<87 dB) and low vibration emissions makes it ideal for use in sensitive areas, including residential zones, hospitals, schools, bridges, and infrastructure projects.

This highly effective attachment can be used in quarries with a variety of rock, including limestone, gypsum or schist with rocks having a hardness of up to 85 mPa. Designed for precision, the TF 850 also excels in finishing operations ensuring optimal aesthetic results.

A case drain is needed to run this attachment.
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