VicRoads is updating results of roads and bridges assessment on Victoria’s HPFV network
The Container Transport Alliance Australia (CTAA) says it is working with VicRoads to make the freight productivity case for key bridge upgrades.
It welcomes VicRoads’ roads and bridges assessment results, some of which are due in the coming days, on Victoria’s high productivity freight vehicle (HPFV) network.
VicRoads has finished mapping the Calder Highway bridges assessment on Victoria’s HPFV networks.
Although CTAA welcomes the effort, it notes the existing mass constraint limits on bridges across the Maribyrnong River in Keilor and the lack of improvements works in the area.
“In relation to the Calder Highway, we note that the real constraint remains the bridge structures crossing the Maribyrnong River in Keilor which only have a Gross Combination Mass (GCM) limit of 68.5 tonnes, and are unfunded for upgrade,” the CTAA states.
“Also, the bridge structures crossing the Loddon River at Bridgewater are constrained to 71 tonnes GCM.”
VicRoads is currently finalising the results of HPFV bridge assessments for the Western Highway between Ararat and the South Australian Border.
The results of these assessments will be available on the HPFV maps in the days to comes, VicRoads says.
The state road and traffic authority says it is continuing to work closely with Transurban to assess HPFV access on Western Link and Southern Link.
Updates on this will also be made available before mid-September.
The HPFV maps have also been updated to show the HPFV bridge assessment program will next assess the Princes Highway West between Colac and the South Australian Border and the Henty Highway between Horsham and Portland.
The estimated completion date of those assessments is December this year.
For more details, check VicRoads’ A-double Network Interactive Access Map or Victoria’s Higher Productivity Freight Vehicle (HPFV) Mass Network.