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Canberra seeks insights into truck driving skills needs

Employers’ input sought to gauge trends impacting industry


The federal government is undertaking surveys to help better understand the trends changing the way Australians work, with the effort now examining truck driving.

Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business (DESSFB) is looking generally at the impact on work of developments including new technologies, shifting demographics and globalisation as gauged against the skills currently used in the labour market

“DESSFB has engaged Nous Group to undertake a survey of employers and key experts across a number of occupations to help develop this understanding,” government-backed training organisation Australian Industry Standards (AIS) says.

“This survey will help provide valuable insights into the skills relevant to Australian jobs and assist the Department to develop new approaches to skills-based labour market analysis.”

Read about the draft transport and logistics skills forecast report, here

De-identified data, a summary of the survey results and feedback will be provided the department, which says Individuals will remain anonymous and identifiable responses will not be shared with it.

The survey, being undertaken by the Nous Group, is open until January 17, should take no longer than 10-15 minutes and can be found here.

Meanwhile, AIS says that case for endorsement and draft training package materials for a raft of transport and logistics projects have been submitted to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) for its consideration.

They are for:

  • Chain of Responsibility (COR)
  • freight forwarding 
  • logistics operations 
  • traffic operations 
  • shared equipment 
  • heavy vehicle driver safety
  • stevedoring qualifications review 
  • autonomous rail vehicle 
  • human factors. 

Related reference committee projects progress can be gauged here.

The 2019 Transport and Logistics IRC Skills Forecast report can be found here.

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