New interchange on the Calder Freeway in Melbourne's west opens early to accommodate rising traffic numbers using the route
January 27, 2012
The long-awaited Calder Freeway and Kings Road interchange in Melbourne’s west has opened early.
The $62 million project has been completed five months ahead of schedule.
Victorian Roads Minister Terry Mulder says 38,000, including 4000 trucks, use the section of freeway each day and that traffic numbers are predicted to double in the next 10 years.
“The new interchange will consist of an overpass over Calder Freeway, including off and on ramps in both directions, which will improve the safety and traffic flow of vehicles travelling along, as well as moving on and off the Calder Freeway from Kinds Road,” Mulder says.
Kings Road has been upgraded and extended as a four-lane road through to the freeway.
“The Kinds Road upgrade is the first stage of planned safety and access improvements along the Calder Freeway between Keilor and Diggers Rest,” Mulder says.
He says funding has been allocated to safety improvements at the Sunshine Avenue and Calder Freeway intersection and to extending an access road to link Highland Road and Oakbank Road to the Kings Road interchange.