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Buchholz in Queensland Volvo XXL cab test drive

Assistant minister says new trucks will help attract new workforce after


Scott Buchholz’s spruiking tour of truck manufacturers in Australia shows no signs of fatigue with the federal assistant minister for road safety and freight transport taking a FH Volvo XXL Cab for a run through South-East Queensland

Noting that the assistant minister was adding “another few lines to his work diary after his Mercedes-Benz Actros drive through Dandenong in Victoria”, his office states he was pulling a B-double combination behind the FH Series prime mover.

“It’s important for me to keep my skills and Work Diary current and I thank Volvo for the opportunity to use one of their FH trucks,” Buchholz says.

“I had 25 years in transport before entering parliament and opportunities like this help me keep in touch with the industry.”

Buchholz also uses the moment to highlight the federal government’s transport investments.

“It was also great to experience the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing from behind the wheel of a truck,” he says.

“It’s been a great addition to Australia’s land transport infrastructure, which was driven by the Coalition Government.”

Read how Scott Buchholz came to be driving an Actros, here

But he also underlines the experience gives him practical exposure to the difficulties and issues the industry faces.

“By maintaining the skills I gained during that time I can identify with, and better understand, the issues that stakeholders raise with me,” Buchholz says.

“That includes issues around work diaries, safety concerns related to interacting with other road users and keeping specific truck stop rest areas set aside for truckies.”

He also believes the high standard of new trucks will attract a new breed of professional drivers.

“Significant advancements in safety and technological features make driving them a terrific experience that I believe will be a drawcard to attract new people to the transport industry,” Buchholz says.

“At the moment the average truck driver is a man in his mid-50s, so it’s imperative that we do what we can to get younger people from all backgrounds into the industry.

“Like many other industries previously seen as the domain of blokes, truck driving is becoming more professional and offers a great career to anyone prepared to have a go.”

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