Maguire stresses importance of rural roads for industry
The Australian Trucking Association (ATA) has called for greater federal funding targeting regional and outback blackspots in the Northern Territory.
ATA CEO Ben Maguire notes there is a “clear and pressing need” to address road safety in the NT after meeting with NT senator Sam McMahon.
“Government statistics have found that blackspot funding, on average, reduces the number of crashes causing death and injury by 30 per cent,” Maguire says.
NT Road Transport Association (NTRTA) executive officer Louise Bilato says regional road safety is crucial for the Territory.
“Road infrastructure is critical to the Territory’s economy and community,” Bilato says.
“We urgently need to invest in more road safety projects in regional and remote communities.”
McMahon notes she will be meeting with key figures over the coming weeks to discuss future opportunities for funding “which will keep everyone on our roads safer”.
An NT supply chain and freight efficiency study is underway
“Keeping Territorians safe by providing funding for NT blackspots is a high priority for myself and the Coalition government,” she says.
“Truck drivers are vital to the NT economy and it is imperative that we keep their safety in mind when making these funding decisions.”
The ATA says it supports the federal government’s existing commitment to fixing road blackspots – and the 2019-20 Budget commitment for an additional $50 million per year to the program.
“In 2019-20, the government will invest $1.48 million in road blackspots in the NT, with most funding going to the major towns,” Maguire says.
“We welcome senator McMahon and the government’s commitment to fixing NT road blackspots.
“We’re calling on the Government to increase annual road blackspot investment in the Territory, specifically targeted to regional and remote locations.”